
Rotorové mlyny jemné mletie s premenlivou rýchlosťou

Rad rotorových mlynov zahŕňa ultraodstredivé mlyny, rotorové mlyny a kladivové mlyny. V závislosti na konkrétnom prístroji sú vhodné pre predbežné a jemné mletie mäkkých, vláknitých a tiež tvrdých materiálov.

* v závislosti od materiálu vzorky a nastavenia zariadenia/settings

Grinding tools - their effect on metal contamination

Reliable and accurate analysis results can only be guaranteed by reproducible sample preparation. This consists of transforming a laboratory sample into a representative part sample with homogeneous analytical fineness. Retsch offers a comprehensive range of the most modern mills and crushers for coarse, fine and ultra-fine size reduction of almost any material. The selection of the correct grinding tool depends on the sample material and the subsequent method of analysis.

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